Flowerbomb by Victor and Rolf

October 20, 2010
Flowerbomb by Victor and Rolf

Top Notes: Bergamot, Tea. Middle notes: Jasmine, Freesia, Orchid Base notes: Centaflora Rose, Patchouli

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Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb
having worked some years ago in a beauty department, i was introduced to this fragrance an immediately fell inlove. Some may easily find it over bearing, as its an exotic blend of soft floral fragrances. i like how it reacted to my skin/scent..as it left a soft sweet smell.

extremely expensive, but well worth it. i remember i used to wear it everyday, after my smoke break at work, then before i left, the fragrance consultant was kind enough to give me that last that was in the sample bottle...i still have the little 'bomb' bottle.. and after all these years, the smell is still as powerful.
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I first fell in love with this fragrance when I smelled it on my best friend. She said that she was standing in the fragrance boutique looking for something new but she wasn't sure what she was looking for. That's when the sales lady gave her a sample of their Flower Bomb knock-off. Now, my sister has the horrible smoking habit and it is really overpowering, but the FlowerBomb knock off broke through that gross smoke smell. We then made a mission to try out the real deal. THE OUTCOME? I WANT IT RIGHT NOW! I will gladly suffer for a month if it means I can smell good doing it.

The cost, needless to say, is over the R1000 mark (not exactly sure for how many mls) but it's the type of fragrance that says "I'm a classy lady. Adore me".

I am not crazy for the price tag, but the quality and the effectiveness - 5 stars.
Top 500 Reviewer 55 reviews
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Flowerbomb was launched worldwide in 2005 and is described as a floral explosion.

The scent is described as a combination of floral notes that include millefleurs, centifolia rose, sambac jasmine, osmanthus and patchouli. The bottle is extremely elegant and was designed to symbolise dreams. Viktor & Rolf described the bottle saying “It contains magical powers capable of harboring the secrets of those wearing it.”

The scent is designed for those with a love for nature and all things floral. If you favor the sweeter things in life, then you will most certainly enjoy the subtle tinge of sweetness that underlines the floral fragrance.

Perfect for summer days, Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb Eau de Parfum is a daily dosage of all things feminine.
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It's got the perfect name - ladies, this is the BOMB! Let me tell you, it's one of the sexiest perfs I have ever smelled and my nose has been around a while (LOL). I smelled this for the first time in London @ Harrods and was blown away (there we go again with the puns). It's damn expensive, but a little goes a long way, so if you want it, buy it, hide it well and use it when you want to feel sexy and special and and and ... :o)
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Victor & Rolf Flowerbomb
Amazing experience everytime I put it on!
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It really IS the bomb!
Truly beautiful perfume. I was having a really bad day some months ago when I walked into a certain department store in the V&A and got my first "hit" of Flowerbomb. I followed the scent all the way to the counter where it was on display and by the time I reached it I was smiling.
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Flowerbomb by Victor and Rolf
Overall rating
I immediately fell in love with this perfume the moment I got a whiff of it. This is my second bottle and I can't stop wearing it. The name of the perfume is quite apt because it really is like an explosion of flowers. This perfume might not be for everyone because its very sweet and floral. It lasts forever on me and I wear this both day and night. Its an all occasion perfume. Its quite pricey as far as I can remember luckily I didn't pay for the current one as I received it from a friend from Dubai. The price hovers around R900 odd for the 50ml.
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