Ruth Mafupa from Natural Sisters
Ruth Mafupa from Natural Sisters
Follow her:
@natmoisture on Twitter | Natural sisters on YouTube |@naturalsisters on Facebook
Ruth Mafupa from Natural Sisters
Follow her:
@natmoisture on Twitter | Natural sisters on YouTube |@naturalsisters on Facebook
Stacey Vee from Living Lion Heart
Follow her:
@missStaceyVee on Twitter | @LivingLionHeart on Facebook | @Staceyvee on Instagram
Megan Kelly from Baby and the Beauty Blog
Follow her:
@beautybabyblogza on Facebook | @bb_blogza on Instagram and Twitter
Sarah Huddy from The Mommy City
Follow her:
@themommycity on Facebook and Twitter | @sarah.huddy on Instagram | Sarah Huddy on YouTube
Anouschka Venter from Pamper Me Now
Follow her:
@Ilovepampering on Twitter | @PamperMeNow on Facebook and YouTube
Isabel Ngulube from MzansiFro
Follow her:
@IsabelNgx on Twitter | @mzansifro on Facebook and Instagram
Bronwyn Hoedemaker from The Mother City Mom
Follow her on:
@mothercitymom on Facebook and Instagram | @MotherCityMom on Twitter
Charlene Seini from Gee Whiskers
Follow her:
@gee_whiskers on Twitter and Instagram | Gee Whiskers Charlene on YouTube
A one-step hair treatment that restores hairs natural shine and strenght. Hair breakage and dry scalp is treated, whilst hair recieves intense levels of moisture to facilitate growth and stimulate…