Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 373 0.5
Overall rating
Attention Grabbing
GHD has always been a dream for me!
Everything about it tickles my fancy!
It's beautiful design, it's amazing straightening abilities
Just everything, does it for me!
What ruffles my feathers
Is how my hair is always perfect no matter what the weather!
Being a mom there's sacrifices that need to be done..
Choosing to buy a cot instead of something I've always dreamt of!
Make this soon to be momma a beautiful one
By choosing me as the lucky winner, the only one!
GHD continues to bring in greatness..
Prefect styled hair is what I'd like to witness..
On my very own, with my very own..
GHD Bird Of Paradise, it would be the best thing I've ever won!
I love you GHD and BB!!!!!
Top 500 Reviewer 18 reviews
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