Review Detail
4.8 373 0.5
WIN the NEW ghd V Lagoon Professional Styler from the limited edition bird of paradise collection!
Hair -Video Reviews
June 23, 2014
Overall rating
Attention Grabbing
How does one even begin to explain why you should win a GHD?? It's a GHD FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! The best thing since sliced bread, rolo ice-cream, cook-in-the-bag chicken, electric beaters, electric blankets, BB cream, the works! GHD is THEEEE love of my life, I can't even begin to explain how lost I would be without it. Gone are the days that I would straighten my hair with a brown paper bag and an iron (let's not even start talking about the neck spasm while trying to balance your head on the ironing board!). I use to look like a peacock back in the day...I cringe every single time I look at school photo's with my frizzy & out of control hair...I even cut my hair into a bob back then *cringeeee! This GHD needs to be on my dressing table, I don't want it, I NEED it. Let's not even begin to talk about the beautiful colour! Make my dream come true Beauty Bulletin...pretty please...with a feather on top :)