Review Detail

4.7 1 0.5
Acne and Blemish Creams June 24, 2013 683
Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot
I don’t normally suffer from severe breakouts – don’t get me wrong, I get blemishes, just not all the blemishes in the world. At once. On my face (ok I’m being dramatic) but the point is that this has recently happened to me and this product saved my skin – literally.

This is such a great little product to keep in your bathroom. The tube may seem quite small for the price (R160) but you use so little at a time that it will last a good long while.

It feels so good when you apply it. The texture is gel like and it soothes those angry, reds blemishes instantly and helps to reduce the swelling. The gel comes out the tube slightly milky, then dried clear. I find that this helps me to ignore the blemishes (I admit I’m a picker, when they’re painful and irritating I find that they always hold my attention and I end up making them worse.)

The solution contains Hyaluronic and Salicylic acids to help the blemish fade faster and not leave a mark. I had marks from before I started using this and I find if the blemish is already there then it still takes a long time to fade, but if you use this as soon as you notice one starting to form, the don’t get as big and sore, and disappear quicker.

Sometimes I get a prickly sensation when I apply this as the gel dries, but this is only when my skin is very sensitive and the results are worth the discomfort.

Overall I’m incredibly impressed with this product. I will definitely repurchase.
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