Veet Suprem'Essence Cold Wax Strips

November 12, 2011
4.1 (3)
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8 results - showing 1 - 8
Veet Supreme Essence Wax for short fine hair
The key here that your hair has to be fine as much as it is short for the wax to effectively work. In that case it works perfectly, but Veet Suoreme Essence wax has no effects on coarse hair.

It's perfect for leg waxing; the wipes smell fabulous and are great for wiping any wax residue from the skin.
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Veet wax strips
excellent product!!!!!

really effective in removing short and fine hairs

love it
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Best cold wax stips in its price range
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I use this on my bikini area
Top 50 Reviewer
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Veet Hair Removal Strips
Veet is known for the hair removal products.

I just love using Veet, it keeps me clean and shaven with slower hair growing back.

This is my choice.

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Veet Supreme Essence Wax Strips for short hair (1.5mm)
I decided to use / try two Veet products (other option was wax strips with grip in a previous review). i used this product on my upper legs as there hair there are sooooo fine and light that the salon always misses them. they also dont grow out as fast as the hair on my lower legs so i thought as it says it removes hair as short as 1.5mm its worth a shot on my in between salon visits when i just want to clean up strays or feel smooth again.

the wax strips kind of looks like a pad :-). i warmed it in between my hand and it was easy to pull apart. it didnt have a smell and was easy to smooth onto my legs. as the hair was not that thick and few and far between it work magically. it pulled off easy and all the hairs came out - there are markings on the strips for you to judge the hair and some of mine was shorter, and they still came out. obviously on the back of your legs you have to go the other direction as they grow differently. at the top of my legs i went side ways (left to right) as this is what i have seen therapist do before and the hair is gone.

i found that one box like this would be enough for both half legs as i was only cleaning some early risers :-). i used the wipe after and it left my legs feeling smooth ... almost like i applied a body butter. it did feel kind of oily and i suppose its to remove some wax left over but i have been waxing for years and i know how to pick up left over wax with the same strip so there was no wax to take off. my legs did go read like it does when i go to Sorbet but 3 hours later it was gone and my legs are still feeling smooth from the wipe.

i think my hair removed easily as i do wax every 6 weeks and have been doing so for years so my hair is very thin and light. i simply like doing this when they have missed hair or odd ones grew at different times due to me sometimes grabbing a razor for a special event but i have now found a product that is easy to use, clean up even the shorter hair and does not leave any residue or hurt my skin.

i love the wipes that come with the wax as its like an instant body butter smoothness and it makes your skin feels soft and great. i dont really see a difference between this product and the normal Veet Wax strips with GRip except for the colour but i found them both to work the same for me.
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Veet Wax Strips with easy Grip for body and legs
i wax my legs at Sorbet and they dont always get all the hair as they are very light and thin so i usually have some strays arriving 10-14 days after a wax which is very annoying as parts are hairy and parts are smooth. today i could not get an appointment anwhere and my normal lady was on leave so i opted to do a simple clean up myself.

i decided to use / try two Veet products (other option will follow). i started with the Veet Waxs STrips with easy grip (i picked it up at Pick n Pay noggals). there were 6 strips in the box (12 if separated) along with two perfect finish vipes.

the wax strips kind of looks like a pad :-). i warmed it inbetween my hand and it was easy to pull apart. it didnt have a smell and was easy to smooth onto my legs. as the hair was not that thick and few and far between it work magically. it pulled off easy and all the hairs came out - i even used one strip a few times over again and it still worked.

i found that one box like this would be enough for both half legs as i was only cleaning some early risers :-). i used the wipe after and it left my legs feeling smooth ... almost like i applied a body butter. it did feel kind of oily and i suppose its to remove some wax left over but i have been waxing for years and i know how to pick up left over wax with the same strip so there was no wax to take off. my legs did go read like it does when i go to Sorbet but 3 hours later it was gone and my legs are still feeling smooth from the wipe.

this product might be hard to use if you are waxing for the first time. i would suggest this for ladies who wax, and have those hairs that got lefft behind and those who grow faster than others that you want to clean up. its a light wax strip and im not sure if this will work as well on someone who is waxing for the first time.

i still have 2 strips left and will keep it for a quick hair removal when needed as its extremely easy to use, was not harsh on my skin and was a fast clean sweep with no mess.

the best is that the paper is almost between a wax paper and a cloth and not a plastic piece like some other waxes which makes them hard to warm up and remove.
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Veet Suprem'Essence Wax Bikini & Underarm
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If all the hair does not come out after the first strip, I prefer to use a tweezer and pluck out the rest as I do not want to wax the same piece of skin twice. Hope this works for you!
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Veet Suprem'Essence Wax for Legs
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Definately smoother for longer! This is a winner!
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8 results - showing 1 - 8

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