Review Detail

5.0 2 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes April 20, 2011 290
Great everyday face wash that will last me for ever
Overall rating
I got this wash without hesitation once I saw how big the bottle was. I had tried Uriage before and enjoyed it. They seem to specialise in products for sensitive skins which is great for me. I never use anything harsh on my skin on a regular basis. This wash has a consistency of gel wash, it is see-through. It doesn't foam too mush but cleans well. I never feel that it strips my skin of moisture. I use it twice a day and enjoy the smoothness that it leaves behind. Sometimes when it accdentally gets on my lips when I wash it off in the shower I can actually taste that is salty which is due to the thermal water that its based on. Thermal water is a type of mineral water that is good for your skin. It is qute expensive on its own so I am happy they are not stingy to include it in the wash as well.

This product does have a sent. It is very hard for me to discribe, so I would just say it smells clean and fresh.
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