Review Detail

4.4 181 0.5
Feminine Hygiene November 07, 2014 2798
Tampax Compak
Overall rating
Tampax Compak really saved me from having to feel uncomfortable on an extremely important day....the day of my best friend's wedding. I love the fact that the individual packaging looks like a sweet wrapper, so one never has to feel awkward.

The feel and fit was something I was quite surprised by as I honestly never felt it, nor did I have any leak throughout my time of the month.

I'm not a "tampon girl", however, I'd highly recommend it to those who prefer sanitary towels but get a unwelcoming surprise right before a special occasion - whether it be a wedding, going clubbing, or a romantic date where you want to wear that super sexy, special dress.

This is when I'll definitely opt to use Tampax...

Thank you Tampax and BB - you are awesome!!

*P.S. - Please check out my lil video :)
Tampax Compak - My Review
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