Surprising Things You May Not Know Could Harm Your Skin

You could be doing harm to your body without even knowing. Here are a few surprising things that you may not know could harm your skin:




What could be better than cooling off in your pool during the heat of summer? Unfortunately, this is bad for your skin. It strips off the natural layer of protective oil and may leave your skin dry and more prone to cracking and wrinkling. Always use a good moisturiser after a swim.

If you have gone for a swim in your chlorinated pool, always ensure that you shower afterwards and use a good quality body wash or soap to remove all of the chlorine residue. Chlorine residue can stay behind, even if you just rinse it off, so make sure you suds up properly. Chlorine is even more drying on the skin than just plain water and can cause it to flake and crack, which could lead to premature wrinkling and fine lines. Avoid long, hot showers though, because the heat of the water will also take its toll on your skin. Rather use a tepid temperature for the sake of your skin.

Sorry to tell you this, ladies, but your coffee fix could also be drying out your skin, making you more prone to wrinkles. So, stick to just one cup a day and rehydrate with water instead for a healthier looking skin.

Most of us know that salty food in general isn’t good for us, but did you also know that it is bad for your skin? Too much salt dehydrates your skin too, making it dry and dull. To avoid having your skin look like parchment, lower your salt intake.

Yo-Yo Dieting
Avoid yo-yo dieting and rather aim to eat healthy meals. Yo-yo dieting tends to age the skin by loosening the fibres, which causes it to sag and results in unsightly stretch marks too.

Lack of Exercise
Lack of exercise is a biggie! When you exercise, your skin cells get nourished with more oxygen and nutrients as blood flow gets stepped up. Waste products get better eliminated, including free radicals, which are responsible for premature aging. So, get moving ladies, if only for the sake of a younger looking skin!

Avoid heavy nights out on the town! It will show on your face. Alcohol is very drying on your skin and habitual heavy drinkers are prone to broken capillaries too, which is never attractive.

Steam Rooms and Saunas
Sadly, steam rooms and saunas are both very drying on the skin when done too often. The steam actually causes sagging skin as the collagen and elasticity get broken down. Limit this to a once in a while treat.

Aircons and Heaters
Aircons and heaters dry out the skin, making it more prone to wrinkling. Use a humidifier to counteract the effects or place a potted fern or open bowl of water in the room to add some extra moisture to the air.

Article by: Maryanne Young


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