Review Detail

4.7 1 0.5
Camel's Milk Skin Care Products from Skinue
Overall rating
While I'm lucky to have relatively problem-free skin, I am always on the lookout for products that will help even out my skin and give it a better glow. I don't have any acne issues, but I do have dry, sensitive skin that can get irritated pretty easily. I received a small sampling of their product line a couple weeks ago and have been using it consistently. I thought I'd share my thoughts on the products and let you guys have a chance to win some products to try for yourself - Skinue's Brightening Cream, which is my favorite product by far! It answered my need for something to brighten and even out my skin tone. The formula contains extracts of pomegranate, licorice, lactic acide, and of course camel milk proteins. The cream goes on smooth and has a light, fruity scent that is absolutely delicious! I focused this cream on my cheeks where I have a few sunspots as well as on the sides of my nose where I have some redness. While I think it's still too early to notice my sunspots getting lighter, I have noticed a more even skin tone and the redness of the sides of my nose is virtually gone! -
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May 28, 2014
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