You can cover it all up with the best make-up money can buy, sadly problematic skin is not something you can hide or hide from hoping that it goes away. Make-up foundations,concealers and powders all have to come off at some point. Talk about a run but you cannot hide scenario. In my curiosity, I did a test with my close girlfriends to see just how fast they were running away from their skin issues. I ask them to mentally rummage through their bag of beauty tricks and find the most expensive beauty product they owned. No cleanser, toner, moisturiser or serum cracked the Top 5.
After getting over the initial shock, we started talking about the reasons why make-up in our lives trumps the skin care products. The answer was rather simple, growing up as ethnic teenagers, skin was seen as good, thus envied by all, or bad, doomed to have a bathroom full of skin care products that are duds and somehow, we never shook off the labels.
Teens with bad skin grew into make-up wearing adults to hide their skin’s imperfections. Even though I appreciate the value of a good quality foundation and concealer, I start to wonder just how much longer we can justify a budget of splurging on make-up and hair VS saving more on skin care products.
Black women are no strangers to nail bars and hair salons, most of us have monthly standing beauty appointments and we do not mind paying good money for our fabulousity. In my way of thinking, consulting a dermatologist for an acne prone problematic skin or going to a skin care clinic monthly should be a priority above good hair and make-up. Think about it, gorgeous skin equals improved confidence and less cash spent on foundation. The extra money saved can pay towards your next health spa treat.
The gift that keeps on giving:
Here is my challenge even before you start with 2014 New Year’s resolution, how about investing in the health of your skinnow. You may even call it an early Christmas present, from you to you with love. Visit a reputable local skin care clinic such as Placecol, Sorbet or even the Dischem Skin Clinic and for a little as R150 get aprofessional skin analysis and a facial.
Invest in the skin products they recommend, in-house products used during the treatment are preferable. Cherry on top, you will be able to go back to the skin clinic with these products should there be any nasty surprises when you use them at home. This is as good as having an assurance on your purchases.
Please do share, what are you doing to do to ensure that you rock your 50’s with a healthier and younger looking skin?
Article by Meka Mpofu