
Beauty Bulletin

Skin Care: Samantha Never Looks Or Dresses Her Age! And Neither Should You!

Here are ten anti-ageing beauty remedies for luscious ladies that aren’t (ahem, trying to be tactful here…) um… let’s just say you’re not twenty anymore! (don’t worry – neither am I!)

Hope you reading this Samantha! And ladies – some of these are costly and some not. So see which ones you can incorporate into your daily beauty regimes, kapeesh?
Picture from: PR photos

Here goes!

1. I needn’t tell you to stay out of the sun hey, because you know that already mmmm …but DO you? …The sun will age you faster than you can say, “I love Sex and the City 2!” Invest in some bronzing products if you want to appear bronzed.

2. Samantha always invests in decent skin products. What brand you choose though, can be based according to your needs and budget. Go for the best quality you can afford, and use regularly. A popular saying goes, “There is no such thing as an ugly woman, only lazy ones.” So invest some time and energy in yourself.

3. Samantha could also boost her skin with some extra moisture by doing a weekly treatment. We love Elizabeth Arden’s Ceramide Gold Ultra Restorative Capsules. It’s an intensive treatment for the face and neck, and can be smoothed gently over these areas after cleansing at night. It contains restorative ceramides and essential lipids to help fight fine lines and wrinkles and make them appear softer and smoother. A gal needs all the help she can get!

4. Eating right! Yep! This is also crucial to healthy skin, hair and nails. No matter what your age! What you put in is what you get out! Limit alcohol, caffeine, chemical additives, salt, saturated fat, sugar and smoking – and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables instead! Also try to supplement your diet with seeds and nuts or try taking a heaped tablespoon of their cold pressed oils daily. Eg.) Flax seed oil is excellent for the skin. Available at most health stores.

5. Another miracle worker is La Mer eye Balm Intense. As David Thoreau says, “The eye is the jewel of the whole body”. So to get your peepers looking great and wrinkle free, try this awesome eye balm. It’s a light yet intensive treatment that will diminish the look of lines and wrinkles, and will also work on any puffiness you may have. It really does rejuvenate! According to the La Mer website reviews, 92% of women would recommend this to a friend! So Samantha – we recommending it to you! And all our readers of course!

This new intense eye balm is only available in stores from 15th September 2010. Price? R1400.

6. Exercise! This has proved to be better for the mind and body than any bottled anti-aging product. According to the January 28th 2008 issue of “Archives of Internal medicine”, doctors in London GB found that the cells of those who enjoyed moderate exercise showed slower cell changes related to aging. Their cells appeared the same size as sedentary people ten years younger! So slip of those stilettos Samantha – and get walking! A brisk walk for 30 min at least 3 times a week will boost your mood and help you to look and feel ten years younger!

Toy boy here we come!

7. Swop the aging dark lip liners for a pinky -brown glossy lipstick or lip gloss. Makeup can really age a woman, so make sure you are not stuck in a make up rut! Get a makeover and try some fun new makeup looks! You know what they say – a change is as good as a holiday!

8. Moisturising creamy makeup formulas tend to look better on mature skins than matte or dry oil free formulas that ‘sit’ in the lines. Why not try a creamy blusher to add a flushed healthy glow?

For positively radiant cheeks try Bobbi Browns cream rouge in Coral! This colour actually looks great on just about anybody!

9. Smile! Nuff said! Find things that make you happy! Even if you not sure about a new hobby or idea – just try it! You’ll never know if you don’t try!!

10. And lastly – Samantha you’ll agree with me here, hormones can cause havock to your skin! That’s why we recommending Elizabeth Ardens’ 8 hour cream! If you ladies haven’t heard of this product, take heed! You will find this in most make up artists’ kits! It works really well just as a lip balm, especially for those dry winter chapped lips, but it also helps repair burns, scars (if you pick like I do!) scrapes, chapping and any minor skin irritations! Simply rub the skin product on affected areas and you will see the difference!

Article by Donna Hay for www.beautypbulletin.co.za





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