Review Detail

4.3 28 0.5
Mascaras, Eyebrow Pencils May 21, 2012 727
Scandal Eyes
Overall rating
I love this Mascara Wand. The brush is a nice large size so you can get to the base of the eyelashes and pull/wiggle the brush through easily. I particularly love the little bobble shape on the end I find this perfect for getting to the lashes in the corner of the eyes! I find if gently brush the mascara wand over a tissue after removing from the tube it helps prevent clumps however if I do still get clumps I just brush my mascara brush through quick and it is picture perfect. I bought this as part of a special with the following Rimmel Products: Apocaliptic Lip Lacquer, 60Second Nail Varnish in Caramel Cupcake and a nifty bag which I now use as my study bag! What a bargain and I love all of the products included!

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