Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.5 1 0.5
Rapid Lash.png
Mascaras, Eyebrow Pencils September 06, 2017 285
Turbo Boost Your Lashes
Overall rating

To say I love this product is an understatement, I simply can't live without it or at least I hate living without it. It;s a game changer for your eye lashes. I don't have terribly short lashes, they are normal, but I like them super long and super full. I don't have the time or money to spend on lash extensions Plus I had a bad episode with lash extensions where a duct got blocked by the bond and infected (TOO TERRIBLE) I will NEVER do lash extensions again.

I used rapid lash at least once a day but possibly twice a day (me bad) for the first month. My tube can last for a good few months. You will notice a huge difference within one month. I still use mascara as I am a turbo boost kind of girl, but people ask me if these are extensions or my real lashes!

Its super easy to use just swipe the applicator brush to the base of your upper lashes (no creams or makeup -do the swipe first) from the inner corner outwards. It is recommended to only use 1 x per day, at night & only to upper lashes but as said "I am a turbo boost kind of girl" so I might put a touch on my bottom lashes too :)

You will love this product as it totally enhances my natural eyelashes, be consistent and it will deliver XXX

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