Review Detail

3.3 1 0.5
Acne and Blemish Creams September 13, 2012 213
Overall rating
Proactive was definitely the answer I was looking for for my adult acne.
Pros: completely cured my acne within 6 weeks
not a single breakout since using this product
comes with a cleanser, toner, lotion and mask
helps with blemishes

Now there are are quite a few cons to this product but as most acne sufferers know- acne can make you desperate and this definitely helped mine.

Drying!!!! in the first few weeks it felt like my skin was itchy with dryness. i quickly learnt to supplement the regimen with a rich cream once a day.

Benzoyl peroxide causes sun sensitivity, therefore a sunblock must be worn in the day.

It is only available from the online store therefore custom charges really pushes the price up!

I still use the product but require it less than before and my skin is still clear!
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