Review Detail

4.2 27 0.5
Moisturizers,Day Creams, Night Creams April 26, 2013 4586
Pond's My secret to beautiful skin
Overall rating
I remember that the hormal changes that my adolescent years had on my skin was harsh and embarrassing having acne breakouts . My mom bought me the Pond's perfect colour complex range and that was the best decision that she could make for me as the saying Moms knows Best . My mom indeed knew not only did I get great , flawless looking skin . I gain immense confident that teenagers lack . 19 years later Pond's is still part of my skin care regime without my holy grail I would be a withdrawn lady with acne scares . It is by Pond's that I receive compliments of radiant skin and of youth . It may be an ego boost to me by the gratification that I feel leaves me speechless ????

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One response to “Pond’s Flawless Radiance Skin Care Range”

  1. Mapaseka Joyce Motumi says:

    Hi I want to order please,the whole combo

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