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4.6 184 0.5
#BBUndercover Shampoo & Conditioner review
(Updated: November 20, 2017)
Overall rating
I am quite excited to team up with Beauty Bulletin on the review for the mystery shampoo & conditioner! I was very impressed with the packaging of the product. As a student, I am always moving around and the packaging definitely makes it easy to use for someone that is always on the go. The product smells absolutely amazing (I caught myself smelling the product longer than I was supposed to!) . For someone who has an afro and has had natural hair most of her life I loved the fact that the product contains the organic ingredient- Shea Butter. I had my doubts because the product has sulfate and I was scared it'd dry my hair, however the opposite happened! I would use the product again and would recommend it to other beauties! 

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