Review Detail

4.5 61 0.5
Body oils April 16, 2011 989
Bio-oil...An essential in a girls beauty collection
Overall rating
Bio-oil...The product every mom tells her daughter about and the product every woman should keep in her beauty collection.

I've been using bio-oil for years and it's been very good to me and very effective in it's skin restoring and healing properties. I would not change to any other tissue oil brand as this one has been it for me.
When I was a teen, I was very prone to acne which resulted in alot of scarring on my face. When I started with this product, I was a bit skeptical as it is an oil and thaught it would do more harm than good. But boy was I so wrong!
The scarring disappered and I could also walk with clear skin like all the other girls. It never made my skin really greasy and didn't provoke more breakouts like I thought it would. The only thing about Bio-oil is that one has to use it everyday and religiously for results to be seen.
I use Bio-oil on my face, my stretch marks and dry ares.Use it on everything!My mom used it throughout her pregnancies, and now I've passed on the "secret" to my lil sister after she had an operation on her legs and is very worried about the scars.
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