Review Detail

2.2 10 0.5
Hair Removal February 24, 2011 508
A Horrible Hot-waxing experience
Overall rating
Where do i start? Ok lets start at the point of purchase. I always read a product packaging thoroughly before purchase. The packaging of the product clearly states that it is ideal for short, course hair, perfect for underarms and bikini area.
Unfortunately i have genes that dictate that i will forever be plagued by thick hair on my legs and thick course hair for my underarms and bikini area, i cant afford laser(yet), so waxing is the next best thing, i find, for me.
Back to the point, so according to the promises of on the packaging i choose the product and was very pleased with the price(R49.95).
Excited to remove all my furry friends(my hair), i heat my wax, thoroughly remove access oil and dirt off my legs and apply talc because of the excess humidity of the area in which i reside.
I apply the wax, and when it came the wax, only half of the hair was removed-and yes i did hold my skin taunt. Apart of that, the wax tended to crack while pulling to remove the hair and break off.
i was left with sporadic areas of hair on my legs and was so glad that i did not try it on my bikini and underarms areas(i can only imagine the disaster that would have struck if that had happened).
i redid the areas that were not properly 'cleaned' and i used the whole 300G wax for two half legs for the whole procedure, after i realized that my how sore my skin became i stopped and waited three days and shaved the remainder of the hair off.
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1 results - showing 1 - 1
(Updated: February 24, 2011) February 24, 2011
Thanks for the warning, I'll definitely avoid this product. For me waxing has always been the kind of thing I'd leave up to professionals and even then I've had a few bad experiences. I wish there was an easier way to do it because I really like the results.
1 results - showing 1 - 1

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