MagiClear Even Skin Plus

March 17, 2014
magiclear Even Skin Plus Range

MagiClear Even Skin Plus is A Skin care range with clinically tested active ingredients that can help to reduce uneven skin tone. Their Product is formulated products based on sound scientific evidence, creating products that include active ingredients clinically proven to provide effective treatment for particular skin problems

User reviews

1 review
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MagiClear Works!!!
Overall rating
Being someone whose never had acne break outs before i was terrified and so down cast when i suddenly broke out...

i tried alot of skin care products but nothing helped so i went to the pharmacy to speak to a professional... lucky for me Springbok pharmacy always has people ready to assist.
the pharmacist introduced me to MagiClear, a product ive never heard of before. but her persuasion on how well it works was good enough to get me to try it out.

she did however say that the product would take time to work and i needed to use it consistently

The first Product is the Magi Clear Even Skin Plus Bio Active Skin Capsules- Its a Vegetable Based, Gelatin free capsule, taken once every day. it works for combating acne from the inside... where it all starts

The second is the Magi Clear Even Skin Plus Bio Active Moisturizer, used 2 times a day to help reduce dark marks, blemishes, Skin redness as well as calming irritated skin.

it has been one month since ive started using this product very consistently and i am completely convinced that this new product on the Market is definitely worrth trying out.

My skin has already started to clear up to the point that people have started noticing my skin change.
the dark marks are slowly disappearing and my skin is looking much more brighter.

i have just purchased my second moth supply and its worth every cent as i see the results.

there are other products in this range like the facial soap and serums that i have yet to try out...

The Moisturizer is very long lasting as its been more than a month and i still have enough cream to last me a month more.
it does not leave your face oily and shiny but gives it a matte clear look...

there is no burning or irritation so it can be used on all skin types

im Loving MagiClear
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