Review Detail

4.9 49 0.5
Fragrances November 07, 2013 706
Katy Perry's Killer Queen
(Updated: July 02, 2015)
Overall rating
"I don't do sweet fragrances" ...BUT...

I was on my way to a work meeting and decided to pick up my BB royal review product. I was overjoyed to find out that it was a fragrance when I opened it in the car, as I consider myself quite a fragrance connoisseur. So without thinking, I excitedly whipped it out it's wrapping and took a quick spray...and the first thought that came into my head as the invisible spritz particles hit my nose was "Wrong idea ash!" A confined space and Katy Perry's new spray do not mix. This was because I thought I could only possibly favor One type of fragrance. A very specific mix of long lasting, barely noticeable yet fresh, non-sweet fragrance. With that checklist in mind, the initial fruitiness of this perfume was too much for me at that moment.

So I got out the car, went to my meeting...and in that hour something magical happened! I got back in my car to realize the initially overpowering sweetness of Killer Queen had transformed into a beautifully soft, pleasant, happy scent which I could not get enough of!

Needless to say I have been using it ever since! Now my Guess, Issey, DKNY, Bulgari, Valentina's (the list goes on) can't compare! My usual routine of using a new fragrance each day to match my mood has been erased because the choice is no longer necessary. I am so glad I got the opportunity to test this Royal product before it hit the shelves! I'm definitely going to try my best to use it sparingly but I'm pretty sure I know what my next fragrance purchase is going to be :) :) who knew celebs could make awesome scents too?!
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1 results - showing 1 - 1
October 23, 2013
I agree with you.The fragrance smells much better after it settles on your skin.I was really surprised.
1 results - showing 1 - 1

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