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4.3 1 0.5
Cleansers,Toners,Washes April 05, 2014 533
Justine - Daily Skincare Soothing
Overall rating
I was fortunate enough to be chosen to review the Justine Daily Skincare Soothing range for sensitive/dry skin which included a soothing cream cleanser, a soothing toning lotion and a soothing day cream. I have waited until the last moment to post my review in order for me to have the opportunity to test out the products for as long as possible before giving my views(its been exactly a month today).

First thoughts: I have been aware of the Justine range, but have never tried it before and was intrigued to test out the range. The lavender packaging is quite fresh and appealing.

Soothing Cream Cleanser:

Now to be honest I was quite hesitant about the cream cleanser as I have used a cream cleanser once in the past and did not enjoy the process. I normally use a face wash that is either gel based or contains micro beads (which I have been advised in the past is too abrasive for my skin, but which advice I have always promptly ignored...). With the lovely lavender cream cleanser now in my possession from the Beauty Bulletin fairies I decided to commit to it despite my fears that it may not remove all my makeup adequately. The good news is that I quickly found out that the cream cleanser was not a cream as such - but more of a cream liquid which is a LOT better than the product I tried out in the past. I also found that using face wipes to remove my makeup and especially mascara before washing my face with the cream cleanser is essential which may add a bit more time to my routine, but really I have just been too lazy for not always doing it in the past. When then using the cream cleanser liquid my face thereafter felt incredibly soft and nourished without having that "tight" feeling which it normally had in the past. After using the cream cleanser for a month I have been converted to putting my micro beads face washes away - I may still use a gel wash from time to time, but ultimately my face has never felt so soft (even my husband commented on it - which he has never done before!). The cream cleanser contains pro-vitamin B5 and sweet almond oil which nourishes and conditions the skin.

Soothing toning lotion:

This toner is alcohol free and contains chamomile extract which also helps to calm the skin. I loved using it as my skin has certain red areas for which the chamomile is great and after use my skin felt smooth and soft (again, no tightness).

Soothing Day Cream:

This Day Cream contains pro-vitamin B5 and vitamin E. The texture is creamy, but not too "heavy" and I enjoyed using it daily as my face felt "calm" and hydrated.

Final thoughts:

After using the soothing range for a month my skin's condition is definitely smoother and softer and taking the extra care in removing my makeup with face wipes prior to wash has proven to be worth it. As I am keen to see if this range may solve the read areas/marks on my face I will continue with the use thereof for the time being as I do not believe you can fully view results in skincare in just one month. I may not be sticking to the cream cleanser for life - but it has shown me that scrubbing for that "clean" feel may not be the answer (I'm also going to look into the Justine Perfecting range that has a gel cleanser).

Final final thoughts:

It appears you can only purchase Justine products via a consultant - I am not mad keen on this and they should consider selling it online or selling it in certain stores.
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