Review Detail

4.7 21 0.5
Bath Soaps, Cleansers, Washes August 04, 2016 2185
Johnson's #VitaRich review by Jayde
Overall rating

My skin type is sensitive, yet changes to dry or oily according to the Seasons of the year. When I purchase a moisturizer I expect it to deeply cleanse my skin leaving it feeling fresh and movable and not like sandpaper or like cement is stuck to my face. I love a moisturizer that leaves me feeling confident and ready to take all that the day has in store for me.

When I first laid eyes on the products I was given I couldn’t stop smiling. I was a complete girl that had an “eek” moment. I’ve tried and smelled the body lotions (I have yet to make use of the body wash) and in my opinion these are my thoughts accordingly:

Raspberry extract – wildberries aroma
The packaging looks great, the berries make me sort of hungry and it makes me crave berries, cherries, you name it. The fragrance reminds me of my Friday/Saturday & my odd occasional Sunday late afternoon/evenings on the patio drinking cocktails with my girlfriends. Definitely a lotion to use to feel sexy.

Papaya extract
Again, the packaging looks great. The orange catches my eye. It’s pleasant and majestic. The fragrance allows me to picture myself in a fruit field where I am relaxing comfortably on a picnic blanket, enjoying the rays of the sun shimmer down on my skin (sun kissed – that is why the orange is perfect).

Grape seed oil
(This is my favourite)
The colours displayed make me feel calm & relaxed. Just like a hot bubble bath with a cup of hot chocolate in the one hand & and a romantic book in the other hand. This is by far my personal favourite as it was the most appealing smell that made me drift away to a place where I didn’t have to worry about a thing.

Thank you for the wonderful products.

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Johnson's #VitaRich video review 4 by Jayde
Johnson's #VitaRich video review 3 by Jayde
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