Review Detail

4.7 21 0.5
Bath Soaps, Cleansers, Washes August 04, 2016 2185
Overall rating
First Impressions:
First thing I noticed was the amazing refreshing fruity smell of all the products.The pomegranate brightening body wash has an extremely pleasant ball of energy and smile in a bottle scent which is perfect for those lazy do I really need this job mornings.

The Package size of all three products (shower gel, lotion and soap) is pretty decent even the soap bar weighs in at 175g which is a lot of product for "beauty" soaps.
Johnson & Johnson have stuck to their signature packaging, that is a shapely plastic bottle and packaging consisting of their traditional pink and white colours. Although simple and traditional I see no fault with the packaging - if it ain't broke why fix it right?
Lids of the shower gel are steady and provide a tight close which hopefully means no water will enter while showering so product won't get diluted over time. The consistency of the shower gel was smooth, which was a shock as the product is made from pitted fruits - I was expecting some kind of grainy texture.

Upon a mini trial run due to curiosity I noticed the shower gel dripped out with easy - no squeezing of the bottle required.
The moisturizer was not too thick and not too runny and or body butter like.

My type of skin:
I have normal skin all over my body although it can get pretty dry and ashy in the colder seasons.
I like a moisturizer that easily absorbs into the skin and leaves my skin feeling smooth, looking radiant, even and youthful all day without the need to constantly reapply moisturizer.

After using the products for almost a month I'm so excited about the Vita-Rich range. The soap smells amazing and gives a super clean hydrated feeling. The body wash also left me feeling super clean, smelling delicious and with super soft skin.

The body moisturizer is amazing it absorbed fast, hydrated my skin all day and left my skin feeling soft. My skin usually gets super dry in winter and peels I've used the moisturizers on dry patches and I must say the peeling has subsided. Which is really impressive.
My favorite range which I saw results with was the brightening pomegranate range not only did it leave my skin soft and hydrated but it gave me a radiant glow which is major goals.

Lydia L

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