Review Detail

4.3 119 0.5
too oily
(Updated: July 02, 2015)
Overall rating
I saw my friend's skin glowing, asked her what product does she use and she told that she uses the garnier bb cream and I should try it. I bought the bb cream, used it for about a week and didn't like it that much.

I like the fact that it doesn't feel heavy on your face so u don't feel like you're wearing makeup. For a person who has oily skin, I didn't like the fact that the product made me too oily and too quickly. I had to use powder just to limit the oiliness. And what I also noticed after a week is that my skin was drying out and becoming flaky so I stopped using the product.

So I guess this is not the product for me.
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December 15, 2013
I had the same experience. It looks great once applied but as the day wore on I looked in the mirror and scared myself. It made my skin extremely oily.
1 results - showing 1 - 1

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