Review Detail

4.6 8 0.5
Fragrances February 03, 2014 763
Coco Chanel Knows Best - Mademoiselle #FRAGRANCEFRIDAY
Overall rating
I often switch between fragrances, but Coco Chanel's Mademoiselle stays as a constant in my perfume list.

When I have this on, I feel like I can take over the world.

I remember how Coco was the very same person who said "A girl should be two things: Classy & Fabulous". This fragrance lets me be both those things and even more. Coco has revolutionised fashion and women in general. Through her creativity, we’ve come so far as women, not only in fashion.

The packaging is so classy and timeless. The light pink colour is not too girly. It says “I’m mature but still feminine”. When you’re in your fragrance store, it is easy to spot. It has some (what I feels are) citrusy tone with a bit of floral and muskiness.

It lasts all day and people will love to hug you.
Coco knows women best. Trust her.

“A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future” – Coco Chanel


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