
Beauty Bulletin

Foot Fetish…

For many women their feet are the least favourite part of their body. Well, this Valentine’s Day we’re going to change all that with our guide on how to get fantastic feet that you’ll be proud to flaunt.



















Paint Job:

There’s no quicker way to instantly perk up tired looking feet then with a fresh coat of nail polish. It’s a quick fix and fail-safe method. We love painting our toe nails a bright colour and currently love InTouch Nail Colours (from R35 for 5ml at Placecol, Perfect 10 and Dream Nails Salons Nationwide). If your feeling more daring then the L.A Girl Splatter 3D Nail Polishes are right up your alleyway (R39.95 at Dis-Chem stores nationwide).



Balm Up:

Pretty painted toe nails can temporarily save the day but won’t distract from cracked, dry feet for very long. Our feet take a beating all day everyday and that’s why they dry out quicker then other areas on the body. Apply a foot balm, like the Kiehl’s Intensive Treatment & Moisturizer for Dry & Callused Areas (R 295.00 at Kiehl’s Stores) or Freemans Foot Balm (R49.95 at Dis-Chem stores nationwide), all over your feet and then pop on a pair of socks. It might feel a little gross and first but you’ll get used to it in no time. Warm feet happen to penetrate creams better!




Just Breathe:

Yellow, discoloured toe nails are a giant no-no and caused by excessive nail polish application. Let you nails breathe for a few days a month to keep their healthy growth patterns in check and to rid them of any chemicals your polish may have left behind.

You Are What You Eat:

A cliche, we know, but in the instance of feet, this couldn’t be truer. Some foods, like those high in salt and sugars, can cause serious foot puffiness. Steer clear of foods high in these saboteurs and stay hydrated.

Scrub-a-dub dub:

Flaky, dry skin on your feet is just nasty! The skin on our heels tends to be thicker than other parts of our body, so to assist foot cream in penetrating this tough skin it’s important to exfoliate once a week.The Scholl Velvet Smooth Electronic Foot File (R399.99 at major retailers and online stores) is a new invention that efficiently removes calluses and hard skin on the feet.


Care for your Cuticles:

Did you know that your cuticles actually have a purpose? They lock in moisture and preserve new nail growth from the base of the nail. External elements, like the sun, wind and sand, dry out cuticles and the skin around your toenails. This can hinder nail growth. Protect your cuticles by applying a cuticle oil, like the NAILS INC Vitamin E Oil Pen (R130 at Edgars and Red Square stores nationwide). When applying sun cream, don’t forget your feet!


BB Beauties, do you love your feet? Or will you be trying out the above this V-Day?






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