Review Detail

4.3 118 0.5
CC Creams July 18, 2014 1757
Confidence in color
(Updated: July 03, 2015)
Overall rating
Avon has a wide selection of wonderful products at prices which do not break the bank. Being a big fan of Avon and BB creams, I was excited to try out the CC cream as its primary aim was to rectify color issues, which has been my foremost skin concern for ages. Unfortunately, my product arrived late in the mail (postage service woes) and I, therefore, had a limited time to assess its impact on my skin. That being said, even after a short period of 1.5 weeks, I was pleasantly surprised by the result.

The packaging was pretty standard (which didn’t bother me much as I am a sound believer that the proof of the pudding is in the eating ;)). The cream however had a fresh, zesty smell which I absolutely loved. Its texture was smooth and its application light on the skin. Winter made its presence felt in Durban this year so I chose to apply the cream over my regular moisturizer, to avoid my skin drying out. The cream felt lovely on my skin and revealed a beautiful glow which lasted long into my working day. It effectively evened out my complexion as promised, giving me a confidence I rarely have in my skin, unless of course I’ve done my entire makeup routine, primer, foundation, concealer etc. Others noticed and were impressed so I used the opportunity to do some freelance Marketing for Avon. SPF 50 (WOW) - who can complain about that? I'm yet to use a quality makeup product which is able to deliver on all its promises yet still protect and care for your skin - definitely a rave worthy feature of this CC cream.

I haven’t yet noticed much impact of the cream on my reducing blemishes; but will continue to use it as I trust it will have the results Avon claims it will. Thus far, I’ve been rather impressed by the quality of this product and its ability to deliver on its promise of color correction. Personally, I no longer belong to team BB cream, I am now CC creams biggest fan. Definitely worth a try!!
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