Review Detail

4.7 26 0.5
Oils and Gels June 23, 2014 828
Dabur vatika coconut oil
Overall rating
One of my earliest memories of childhood is of coconut oil lol, thats how small I was when my mom started using it on my hair. Years later it is still something that I never run out off. We all know by now the many wonders of coconut oil ,it's even included in my beauty regiment.

I've tried various brands over the years and thumbs up to all of them. The one I'm currently using is from the Dabur vatika brand. I use it once a week,massaging it into my hair and scalp really well then wash off the next morning. It makes such a difference to my hair ,I can really see and feel how healthy it makes it. Over time it's said to improve thickness, something that I'm looking forward too and will keep you updated on that.

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