Cetaphil Derma Control Moisturizer and Foam Face Wash

June 26, 2014
Cetaphil Derma Control Moisturizer and Foam Face Wash

Cetaphil Foam Face Wash and SPF30 Moisturizer.


Cetaphil Derma Control Moisturizer and Foam Face Wash
Before and After- +/- 3 months

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Product Recommendation
(Updated: October 30, 2018)
Overall rating
over the years iv'e tried so many face washes and creams for acne and oily prone skin. it would never work and i always ended up stopping half way through and throwing it away. i spent thousands on professional spa products and that never worked..what a waste of money! until i was introduced to cetaphil derma control. i never looked back! my skin is not that oily anymore and it doesn't dry my skin out either. i hardly get breakouts. i cant go a day without this range. love it!

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Not for me :(
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I went through adult acne last year and before I visited my dermatologist, I tried different products. Whilst this product only aggravated my skin condition, it might work for other people. I was very disappointed because a product that promises to help, should do that. Anyway, you have to try new things in order to find out if it works for you so I encourage that.

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Cetaphil Derma Control Moisturizer and Foam Face Wash
(Updated: December 15, 2017)
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I used this product when my acne was really bad and it helped to clear it up. The only fault I can find with these two products is the face wash tends to dry my face out, and the cream tends to make my face oily and makes my eyes burn and water.
However, its function is to clear up acne, and it does that really well. I changed out the cream for a different one, and the combination works perfectly and has helped to clear my skin up and keep it spot free.

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I used this while i experienced an acne breakout..i found it to be gentle on my face yet cleansing without drying out my face...and besides cetaphil is a fantastic brand...even up to sunscreen...

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Cetaphil Derma control foam face wash and moisturiser for acne prone skin
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I used to have acne, not red bumps bad but the breakouts were uncontrollable. I went to a dermatologist when i was 17 just to nip this problem in the bud and i haven't looked back ever since.

I have very dry skin and the moisturiser was just perfect, my skin was no longer dry and because this moisturiser provides an SPF 30 it is literally perfect.

I no longer have breakouts, only period pimples (eyes rolling). The only thing that is a bit of a downer is that it doesn't remove blemishes caused by previous pimples.

The facial foam lasts me anywhere from 4-6 months, yes months, and i wash my face twice daily so it's definitely worth the price. The moisturiser lasts me even longer, literally up to a year.

It may seem expensive but because it lasts this long it's definitely a cheap buy. It literally works miracles. And for the makeup ladies, the moisturiser works well as a primer.

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it works!
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I tried just the face wash. At once stage my skin was producing too much oil. Now normally I don't have oily skin and can't account for how that happened,anyhows I tried this amazing product and in no time my skin was back to normal . The few breakouts I developed were also nipped in the bud.

It is nicely foamy and really cleans the skin up. Does leave my skin feeling a bit tight though but nothing a little moisturiser can't fix.
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The Difference is AMAZING!
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A while ago I received my free Cetaphil Foam Face Wash and SPF30 Moisturizer from BB.
I wrote a review and said I would come back with photo's at a later stage, and attached , you will see my before an after pics!
It really has made a difference to my skin, like all things, good things come to those who wait and you have to go through the bad to get to the good! So yes, my skin did break out a bit more and yes I got frustrated, BUT in order for it to have gotten better it needed to get worse, because that meant it was working!
I ran out of my face wash for about 3 weeks and my skin started to break out again, but i dashed off to Dischem to purchase some and my skin is on the mend again! I was on Roaccutane and I had no dryness from the Cetaphil at ALL!!

I love it and I highly recommend it to people with problem skin!

Before and After- +/- 3 months
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Cetaphil Derma Control Foam Face Wash and SPF30 Oil Control Moisturizer
Hi All!!

I've been using the Cetaphil Derma Control Foam Face Wash and SPF30 Oil Control Moisturizer over a 30 day period. I struggled with oily skin and that leads to breakouts and its really depressing. I'm really glad to try out the Cetaphil products, BIG Thanks to Beauty Bulletin!!

Smell of Foam Wash: Cetaphil Scent ( very clean )
Feel after washing the face: Skin feels slightly tight
Texture of moisturizer: Like a gel/cream but really moisturizing

Outcome Results:

I was assuming that the products will clear up my face but Cetaphils aim is to reduce the sebum (oil) build up to prevent breakouts and help cure acne. In just three easy steps, use the face wash(I usually squeeze 3 times to get ample foam wash in the palm) and lather your face, please avoid eye area. Dry your skin and apply your treatment provided by your pharmacist or skin doctor. Then apply the Cetaphil SPF30 Moisturizer. My skin feels clean and complete with these steps. You have to repeat at night and replace the Cetaphil Moisturizer with a suitable night cream.

Watch the video and see how easy it is to use and the results!!
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Cetaphil Product Review
Thank you Beauty Bulletin for the trial of the Cetaphil range . I will be quite honest I have not tried the range prior to receiving the samples from BB. My mother in-law have mentioned the range to me over a few of our conversation..As they say mothers knows best so do mother-inlaw ?

The Range that I have received :Dry/Sensitive Skin
• Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Lotion
• Cetaphil Daily Advanced Ultra hydrating lotion
• Cetaphil UV SPF50

Pricing :
Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Lotion 400ml-R175
Cetaphil Daily Adv Lotion 226g-R220
Cetaphil Uv Spf50 50ml -R170
Available at Dischem and Clicks

My Experience:
I absolutely the gift bag that the range was placed into; it was very stylish and posh. I was quiet smitten by the travel bag.
Over the three weeks use of the products, I noticed there was a remarkable difference in my skin. The dryness and sensitivity of skin was illuminated.
The Range is perfectly suited to the skin type.
I was left very confident without noticeable flaky and dry skin.
This is one range that I would be trying again and recommending to my friends and families.
So now you know the best kept secret to combat any skin type problems.
• Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Lotion
Using a 5 rand size of the cleansing lotion is adequate as the formula is foaming and cleanses my entire face and neck .. The saying a little goes a long way is this product’s motto for me.

• Cetaphil Daily Advanced Ultra hydrating lotion
The hydrating lotion is non greasy, moisturising and hydrates dry and sensitive skin well.

• Cetaphil UV SPF50
Can be used over your moisturiser or under your make up for the one that use make up. It does not leave any residual behind and just like the hydrating lotion it is also non greasy. It is light and very easy to wear. It makes daily use comfortable.

Overall Rating:
11/10 rating as Cetaphil has exceeded my expectations.

I have attached the before and after pics
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Gentle Giant
I used the foam wash for the last 3 weeks and I am impressed with the results thus far. The foam wash was so gentle on my skin and left a smooth, soft feel after washing. The product removed all my make-up really well, with very little effort. Also, no more shine!!

The only niggly for me was the smell, it's a little too sweet. However, I will certainly purchase this product again in future.
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Cetaphil oil control moisturizer,
Derma control oil control moisturizer with broad spectrum SPF 30!

I decided to do separate reviews, as I loved the face wash, but I found a few anomalies with the face cream,

I am currently in month 11 of Orratane treatment, taking 40mg daily, my skin is really dry, I was using a physician prescribed treatment before I started with cetaphil, to treat the scars from past acne.
My skin is not oily, but rather extremely dry and peeling in places.

The moisturizer comes in a pump action bottle, which I find to be more hygienic and it makes it easier to dispense the right amount of product. It has a very thick texture and a built in sunscreen, and the cream is not totally smooth,
I found it a bit weird to use a cream that has a sunscreen in it in the mornings and at night, as I prefer a night cream that is more nourishing.
Also, this cream also made my eyes tear up every time I used it, with a slight burning sensation, I thought I might be slightly allergic to something in the cream but when I contacted the cetaphil company regarding it, they advised me to get a good quality eye cream as the area around the eyes is sensitive, and more so during orratane treatment and that their cream was not suitable to use in the eye area, but they did not have an alternative product in their range,
This was their reply to my enquiry
"You can use the cream after you have washed your face, but please don't use the cream on your eyelids. The skin there is very sensitive. Rather get a specially formulated eye cream for that specific area."

This was the reply when I asked which eye cream they recommend,
"There are many really great eye creams on the market, I would speaking to one of their representatives about the benefits of their products."

I like a face cream that I can use on and around my eye area, as it simplifies my routine,
For this reason, I will not buy the moisturizer again, and will go back to my old moisturizer, even though the price difference is huge

With regards to my skin itself, it is soft and acne free, but I haven't seen a difference in my scars,
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Derma control face wash

Face wash,
I am in month 11 of Orratane treatment and taking 40mg daily,

I like that the face wash is a foaming wash, as i didn't have to lather it up as much, and there fore it was gentler on my skin,

I used the cetaphil derma control for the first two weeks on its own, but I had a little breakout (tiny raised bumps) and then started using it with my clarisonic, and it cleared up in a day,

I specifically like that this face wash is gentle while still leaving me feeling like my face is super clean, but it the glycerin in it does not dry out my face!
This face wash did not irritate my skin at all, and when I applied my face cream it did not burn which was an issue I had with my old face wash,
I will definitely be buying this again, as it is a much cheaper alternative to what I using before, and the results are just as good!
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Cetaphil Derma Control SPF30 Oil Control Moisturizer and Foam face wash
I recently received my product in the post! I've been using it for a week now and I am absolutely loving it!
Not only do I suffer from acne, but also have some very bad scaring. I'm currently on roaccutane and one would expect their skin to be super dry BUT mine feels so soft and silky. The fine lines around my eye area and dryness seem to be vanishing daily and so do my horrid little spots. I've struggled to find something for a few years now, but I know this is the best one so far!
I have been taking pictures of my skin on a daily basis and will upload soon, once I have enough!

I totally LOVE this product and have recommended it to 2 of my colleagues! Can't wait to see what magical results this product will have!
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Fantastic skin product for Adults and Teens
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Washing your face is like brushing your teeth -- it's an integral part of your everyday routine. Sticking to a strict cleansing schedule is a key factor in maintaining a healthy face, but diligence is all for naught without a winning face cleanser.

I find Cetaphil Derma Oil Control products absolutely fantastic.
To me it's an awesome product not only for teens on the run, but also for our adults. It's a quick wash and moisture, and of you go.
The face foam is fantastic and leaves your skin soft, fresh and healthy looking.
The moisturizer contains a SPF30 which to me is a big yes and bonus. SPF is to me a necessity and should be added in all facial products.

I can highly recommend this product and absolutely love the way my skin feel and look

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Fantastic Facial Products
Washing your face is like brushing your teeth -- it's an integral part of your everyday routine. Sticking to a strict cleansing schedule is a key factor in maintaining a healthy face, but diligence is all for naught without a winning face cleanser and moisturizer.

The face wash is a gentle foam cleanser and is clinically proven to remove excess oil, impurities and make-up that clog pores and leads to breakouts. The face wash can be used every day and leaves your skin feeling fresh and soft.

The moisturizer contains an SPF30 which to me is a big bonus and a big yes. Not only does the moisturizer protects your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays, it also help control shine. It absorbs quickly and provides a matte finish. It's a lovely product for acne skin, it's soft and not harsh like some products.

Both products are easy to use and it's a quick wash an moisturizer. Lovely for the teens on the run, not time consuming like other products.
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