Article by: Donna Hay from
After perusing Kevin Aucoins’s makeup book, ‘Making faces’ I discovered these HOT makeup tips for sexy mama’s with ( ahem! ) mature skin…!
Check out what one of our favourite celebrity make-up artists advises for mature women :
He says:
1. “Lining your lips can create a more defined shape and prevents bleeding of the lip colour. Also, filling in with the pencil increases colour depth and helps it last longer.”
2. “As the shape around the eyes “ softens,” more defining may be necessary. Try keeping the intensity of the upper lash-line (with smudged shadows or liners ) and a bit less so for the under the eye area.”
3. “There’s no need to overtweeze, but pay more attention to the removal of extra –long and/or unruly brow hairs.”
4. “Try using concealer that is spot- applied with a brush, instead of an all-over foundation, for a lighter, fresher look.”
5. …and his last pearl of wisdom : “Make sure that all products ( shadows, blushes, etc.) are blended well and graduated ( with the exception of lip liner ) to keep the face from looking harsh or stiff.”
• Please note that these fine words of advice where quoted directly from Kevin Aucion’s book ‘Making faces.’ A must have for anyone that loves makeup!
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