Review Detail

4.5 3 0.5
Fragrances November 01, 2010 536
CALVIN KLEIN ck IN2U for her
Overall rating
I wasn’t entirely sure what to think of this fragrance when I first tested it. Very different, highly unusual. Unexpected. I love the whole design of the bottle – not sure about the yellow/golden tones, but overall I think those colours reflect the scent of the liquid it carries. Warm, happy, sexy, spontaneous. It’s absolutely beautiful. I disagree that this is a ‘younger’ fragrance; I think it’s entirely up to the person wearing it. If you like it, wear it – doesn’t matter whom the designer created it for! Being an EDT, this fragrance doesn’t last as long, but is great to wear on hot days! The Citursy pink grapefuit really stands out on me, as well as the vanilla creeping in from the base. Overall, this is a great fragrance, beautifully crafted & deserving of our praises. It is not however, one of my favourites, but I would recommend it!
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