Review Detail

4.2 118 0.5
Body oils June 01, 2017 5399
2 Weeks Later
(Updated: July 07, 2017)
Overall rating
After just one week of using the Justine Issue Oil, the burn mark on my face has healed and the dead skin has fallen off. My skin is visibly softer and moisturized and the scaring after the scab fell off is almost non existent. I love the Justine tissue oil. I mix it up with my moisturizers and even add a drop to my bath water. The smell is luxurious and I have even seen the old keloid scar I have on my chin and the scar next to my mouth left behind after a car accident many years ago are lightening up. I absolutely love this tissue oil and cannot get enough. Thanks @JustineOfficialSouthAfrica and @Beauty_Bulletin.

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2 responses to “Justine Tissue Oil”

  1. Wendy says:

    I am 36 week pregnant I have been using Justine tissue oil but now my skin is peeling on the stomach and thigh
    What causes that?
    How can I remove the peeling skin with?
    Please help me

  2. Iris says:

    5days into useing the amazing oil and i must say its working wonder ,i can see changes already .I had some sun damage on my feet and its already lighter my face looks 10× lighter ilove love this oil ,cant wait to feel and see more results on my strecth marks and my pigmented spots on my neck👍🙏

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