Tell Us About Your Blog? What can you expect to find on carafay.co.za? Anything from beauty, fashion, DIY’s and my thoughts.
What Are Your Top Three Handbag Beauty Essentials? Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream, a pony tail + bobby pin, portable charger
Your Go-To Everyday Makeup Look? Whatever I have time to slap on.. I am mostly in a rush in the morning although I do have the best intentions to get myself glammed up. If I could get my way everyday it would be; a dewy base, golden eye, rosy cheeks, nude lips and a lot of mascara.
Choose One:
Lipstick or Lipgloss? Choose One: Lipstick or Lipgloss?
Heels or Flats? Being a shorty I should say heels but honestly F L A T S!
Your Failsafe ‘Ugly Day’ Beauty Fix? Conceal, conceal, conceal!
For more information about Cara visit www.carafay.co.za