Review Detail

3.8 39 0.5
Mascaras, Eyebrow Pencils June 12, 2015 874
Benefit They're Real Mascara
Overall rating
Hands down the very BEST mascara I've ever come across!
I love the fact that it stays on all day, without "crumbling" and leaving little black bits on your eyes as i have found some other mascaras do. Also doesnt melt or smudge and give you panda eyes. I have fairly "hooded" eyes with long eyelashes so i always struggle to avoid getting mascara all over my upper eye area just after applying it. This formula is a bit thicker so it dries quicker so I'm less likely to get smudges just after applying it.
It does everything it should, makes eyelashes thicker and longer, noticeably so!
The only drawback is the price, but I feel like it lasts longer than other mascaras so you really do get more value for money. And the result is absolutely worth the splurge.

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