Review Detail

4.0 12 0.5
Body oils September 18, 2017 1083
Most divine tissue oil
Overall rating
Just recently all three of my babies have had Chickenpox. My oldest had it mildly, but it got progressively worse with each child. Both Jordy and Brooklyn have some rather nasty scars on their beautiful baby-soft skin ?
I have been applying this tissue oil since the little spots scarred over and I am so very impressed with its healing effects! I have visibly noticed both of my babies’ skin regenerating and healing! It’s amazing. Also, I got this oil as we were just coming out of winter and my body was very dry and unkept to be very honest. I love the way it leaves my skin feeling restored from the moment it is applied, bringing it back to life under those layers which seemed to harden in the cool winter, particularly my elbows and heels. I cannot get enough of the beautiful scent… it relaxes me! I love putting it on before bed!
*My favorite trick is to apply it just after I have shaved my legs, leaving them silky smooth and radiant.

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