Review Detail

4.4 23 0.5
Shampoo March 11, 2014 1165
Avon Advanced Techniques Morrocan Argan Oil
Overall rating
The morrocan aragn oil range was definitely exciting for me as the real morrocan oil products were quite expensive .

I bought all 3 products , the shampoo and conditioner were great , they cleaned my hair thoroughly. They left it feeling soft and shiny and it had a renewed strenght .

The product I really want to talk about is the oil . My word ! this right here is the best of all oil treatments i have ever used . I recommend it to everyone .

I was marketing it so much that I even started buying it for my family members , because I am obsessed with it .

Its such a light weight oil that doesn't weigh your hair down , it treats it but doesn't make you look like you stuck your head in a grease can . You can put this on your hair and still be able to leave the house because it does not soak your hair , once you wash your hair it still feels every bit as treated as it should.

Best treatment ever used , will not stop buying this .

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