Review Detail

4.4 23 0.5
Shampoo March 11, 2014 1166
Avon Smooth as silk serum
Overall rating
I'm a sucker for anything that smells nice so obviously the first thing I noticed was the amazing smell, I could sniff it all day! It reminds me of summer in a bottle with a hint of oranges. After washing my hair I applied the serum through my ends and blow dryed my hair, I noticed that it took longer for my hair to dry than normal and even afterwards my hair was still frizzy! But having said that straightening my hair was an absolute breeze, it glided through my hair, felt like silk just as it stated on the bottle. I applied more on the ends of my hair when I was done and 24 hours later my hair is still frizz free (in those 24 hours I've touched my hair like a 100 times, taken it up, taken it down again etc). Well worth it!

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