Review Detail

4.8 12 0.5
Treatments, Masks July 03, 2013 359
Aussie Hair - Hair Heaven In a Bottle
Overall rating
The packaging of this product is unlike any hair product I've ever used, you just peel off the sticker at the bottom of the bottle and easily squeeze out some of the product. It closes back up and doesn't leak out at all, it is really convenient, especially in the shower, no time wasted with screwing on and off and popping open of caps.

The smell is absolutely amazing, it smells almost like bubblegum, but not the blue bubblegum scent you usually get from a milkshake from a fast food place, but more like a soft pink gourmet bubblegum.

The consistency is really nice and thick but not heavy.

Before using this conditioner my hair was really damaged by highlighting and stripping off a dark colour, dry and dull, full of split ends that made me cringe just looking at them.

After the first use I could already noticed a HUGE difference, my hair was soft, lush, shiny and nearly all the split ends where gone. I kept using it daily and I was sitting this morning for about 20 minutes in the sun trying to find split ends but there where none to be found, anywhere! Miracle in a bottle! All thanks to the Australian mint balm used in the conditioner.

Hooray! My hair has been saved, I was close to having a huge piece cut off just to get rid of all the dry split ends. So happy I tried this product first. Worth every cent spent on it! I highly, highly recommend this if you are in a desperate damaged hair state.
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