Beauty Bulletin

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4.3 1 0.5
Acne and Blemish Creams July 10, 2014 614
Clinique's Anti Blemish Solutions Clinical Clearing Gel
After using this product for a month, I must confess I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't see more dramatic results.
I still got pimples, and for a while I thought it was worse than before I started using the product. However, I think the product might be responsible for the pimples appearing worse while in the process of removing impurities (which is why I still got pimples). So, it appears as if "it gets worse before it gets better", but it's actually causing your skin to become blemish-free from the inside out. Almost like it's actually flushing out the "nasties".
I noticed that the directions on the bottle states "spot-apply if you are using another leave-on blemish treatment", which suggests to me that it should be used in conjunction with you current blemish treatment, whatever that may be. In my case, I use a tea tree oil touch stick. Does that imply that the product only works optimally when used together with other anti-blemish products? Perhaps.
With prolonged use, I am sure it will make a difference.
I will continue to use it until the bottle is empty - who knows, perhaps I'm being too hasty or impatient. Maybe the whole idea is that the product works best when used daily over a prolonged period of time.
As we all know, there are no "quick fixes" for healthy skin.
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July 11, 2014
Clinique is the best product!!
bianca b.k
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