Beauty Bulletin

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5.0 1 0.5
Body Treatments- Cellulite, Scarring January 09, 2014 394
Annique relief for cellulite
Overall rating
This product was a huge git and I just bought I to try it before ranting and raving all about it. Its dad though that it was discontinued and replaced with something even better. I recent came across this product in my sister's bathroom cupboard, never been used!
Anyway, my experience with the cellulite relief was great, I bought it simply to try the whole detox experience because I don't have any cellulite. I remember the contents was a yellowish, musk smelling oily substance that you just massage into the areas you would like to target. Initially you will fell some burning sensation (use after having taken a bath)but this is temporary and a clear sign that it is working. The ingredients include a whole lot of great herbs (cannot remember the names of all of them but I know Rooibos is one) which is very good for skin and detoxing the body of all the nasty things that make skin look dull and un healthy. Another thing to watch out for mild headaches with continuous use but its not major just a clear sign that the product is working at its maximum. headaches are part of the detox process and pretty soon you will be back to your normal self.
I was very impressed with the results, I saw a glow in my skin and I didn't have much problems with acne and sully skin. so, its safe to say the product works on the entire body and detoxes it despite you only applying the contents to a specific area.

Truly a great spend!
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