Angels on Bare Skin cleanser by Lush

April 16, 2014
4.3 (3)
759 0

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6 results - showing 1 - 6
Lush - Angles on Bare Skin face and body cleanser
Overall rating
This is my go to face wash. I absolutely love it, It's cruelty free, all natural and makes my skin feel so smooth and it glows after I use it! The ground almonds act as a great, gentle exfoliant.
The tub lasts quite a while, between three and four months, so it's great value for money too.

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Angels on Bare Skin
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This works well but leaves my skin feeling tight and/or oily
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Angels on Bare Skin cleanser by Lush
Overall rating
Filled with ground almonds, lavender oil and rose oil, this cleanser smells AMAZING!

I have very sensitive skin that tends to break out occasionally. This cleanser caters to every one of my skin's needs - it is very good for sensitive skin, it helps clear breakouts and it doesn't leave my face red or dry! It takes off all of my makeup effectively as well! The ground almonds very gently exfoliate your skin, leaving it super soft and smelling beautiful.
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LUSH Angles on Bare Skin
I really enjoyed how my skin felt after using this cleanser. It's almost as if the clay like texture of the cleanser is absorbed. I have a normal/dry skin and my skin felt very moisturized. As the cleanser involves forming a paste in the palm of your hand with a bit of water I find it easier to use in front of a mirror in the bathroom (in the shower I have ended up with the clay all over :))in order to maximize in massaging the clay paste on my face. As the lavender and rose oils also soothes and helps with redness I will continue to use it as an in-between alternative to my normal daily cleanser.
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Before I got this, I read reviews online about how amazing it is and it made me want to buy it so much more.
When I eventually tried it out (after receiving it as a gift), I was sort of disappointed. It did its job by clearing my skin and getting rid of redness but after washing it off my skin felt really dry. I was also not a fan of the smell.
I loved the results I got from the product but I do not think I would purchase it myself.
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When first seeing this cleaner in the store I had a hard time believing this cleanser would be any good. A store assistant quickly volunteered to show me just how good this is and being incredibly skeptical I offered up my hand for a demonstration - I was blown away by the results!

The cleanser has a clay like texture because it is made up of Ground Almonds along with other wonderful ingredients (read more on the Lush website). The way to use it is to take a small ball of "clay" from the tub and place it in the palm of your hand., add a few drops of water and work it into the "clay' to create a paste. When you are happy with the consistency simply work the cleanser across your face in small circular motions. The consistency and all the ingredients of the cleanser makes it a rich cleanser to use - all the particles in cleanser lifts up dirt, oil and dead skin cells. While doing all of this it also moisturises and soothes your skin leaving it feeling squeaky clean and nourished. Another great thing about this cleanser is that because it is filled with so many great things you can use it as a mask.

I thought I would miss a foaming gel face wash but after using this I am converted!
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