Achieve a Sexy Smile with these Easy Beauty Tips!

Ever wondered how you can achieve that celeb smile? Wonder no more, read here for top lip beauty tips!

It’s doesn’t matter what you look like, if you have a sexy confident smile you are guaranteed to dazzle Mr Right whenever he may appear on your door step (If only it was that easy, hey ladies?). A sexy smile doesn’t only count for getting Mr Right, any awkward situation can immediately be lightened with a beautiful smile, or does that only happen in movies?

Here are some tips to achieve a sexy smile that might just save the day.

1.Dental hygiene is vital! Use strong whitening toothpaste and mouth wash twice a day to keep those pearly whites, well, white! I currently use Colgate white toothpaste and Listerine mouthwash.

2.Another helpful invention in dental care, gum that has special ingredients to help your clean teeth after every meal. They have tiny little micro beads that clean away any hidden pieces of chicken mayo sandwich and they give your teeth a good polish. My favourites at the moment are Dentine and Clorettes.

3.A no brainer, visit your dentist regularly. Dentists find
problems that you might not be aware of, before they become serious.

4.Another no brainer, try stay away from food and drink that may stain your teeth. If you’re a coffee addict, then tip number 2 is quite important.

5.Lips are also part of your skin and sometimes needs a skincare routine all for themselves! I suggest using a good lip scrub once a week to exfoliate and get rid of any dead skin. I have made my own home made lip scrub with caster sugar, olive oil and vanilla essence.

6.Use a good lip balm throughout the day to ensure your lips are moisturized. One of my all-time favourite is Softlips.

7.When you’re applying that alluring lipstick, apply a small amount of lip balm just as you start doing your make up. Do your foundation, eyes, lashes, bronzer, blush etc. and leave your lipstick till last. Once it’s time to apply your lipstick, wipe away the lip balm with a damp cloth or wet wipe and then apply your lipstick. I find this tip very helpful as it helps give your lipstick a smooth moisturized surface to adhere to. Cracked, dry lips can be very uninviting.

8.Lastly, confidence!! You can have the shiniest teeth, the softest lips and prettiest lipstick but none of those matters if your smile lacks confidence. You’re a powerful woman who deserves to be treated like the queen you are. Show some confidence with the above tips and you have the recipe for a sexy smile!

Already have a sexy smile? Please share your tips and product recommendations in the comments below!

Article by: Claire Mitchell

Browse lip balm and lipgloss product reviews

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