Five tips to help you realise how beautiful you are Supplied by Jacqui O’Bree, independent life coach
More than 672 million women worldwide , are preventing themselves from reaching their full beauty potential. One of the key barriers for these women is that when it comes to how they look, they are their own worst beauty critic. Dove, the global beauty brand, believes beauty should be a source of confidence, not anxiety and is committed to inspiring all women and girls to reach their full potential by caring for themselves and each other.
Life Coach, Jacqui O’Bree has put togethee 5 tips to help YOU realise how beautiful YOU are!
Tip no.1 Focus on your beauty
•Write down five aspects of your body and face that are beautiful
•Don’t stop until you find at least five things
•Share these five aspects with a friend, partner or colleague
•Fully appreciate these five aspects and love your body from head to toe
Tip no. 2 Identify your uniqueness
•What about you makes you stand out
•Ask a friend, partner or colleague “What makes me unique”
•Write down what she/he says, keep it in your pocket, stick it on your bathroom mirror and read it every day
•Silence your inner critic
•Accept compliments without judgement
•Celebrate your own unique beauty
Tip no. 3 Admire your inner beauty
•Consider your inner beauty
•What do you think your best friend admires about you?
•What qualities and characteristics do you admire about yourself and are you most proud of?
•Write down at least five qualities and characteristics you are proud of
•Your inner beauty and strength is reflected to those around you
•Get in touch with what makes you beautiful inside and remind yourself of those qualities
•Realise your full beauty potential
Tip no. 4 Change the way you speak about yourself
•Words have incredible power in our lives
•Stop criticising yourself
•Change the words you use to describe yourself to change how you think, feel and how you live.
Tip no. 5 Realise how beautiful you really are
•Move on and forgive yourself
•Let go of the memories, the pain and regrets that are holding you back from seeing how beautiful you really are
•Be a kind and supportive friend to yourself
•Treat yourself with compassion, understanding, love and support
•Realise that you really are beautiful
Together we can change how women see beauty!
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