Want to WIN big with Mitchum?
Join our #MitchumOnTheMoveSA Insta-Party!
Are you a non-stop powerhouse that’s always on the move? Is moving through all of life’s motions – be it in the boardroom, at the gym, or close to the ones you love – with confidence important to you? Are you wondering whether Mitchum will give you the confidence to keep moving in times of stress, heat, and motion?
If you answered yes, join our #MitchumOnTheMoveSA and have all your burning questions about Mitchum’s confidence-boosting powers answered by real women that have tried it themselves!
Our trial team of 100 powerhouse women and their chosen girlfriends have put Mitchum’s confidence-boosting powers to the test and they’re ready to share their results. Join our #MitchumOnTheMoveSA Insta-Party to find out what they think! All you need to do to join the Insta-Party is follow the hashtag #MitchumOnTheMoveSA.
Save the Date: 23 November from 9am-5pm
How to get involved:
FOLLOW the hashtag #MitchumOnTheMoveSA to keep up-to-date with all the action online and get involved with the conversation by sharing your own stories and you could WIN BIG.
Get MOVING with Mitchum; tell us how Mitchum gives you the confidence you need to slay whatever your motion – whether you’re going for a job interview, on a date, attending a festival, or pushing your limits at the gym – just use the hashtag #MitchumOnTheMoveSA to share your stories!
INVITE your friends to join the event by inviting them to follow the hashtag #MitchumOnTheMoveSA on the day.
On 23 November from 9am to 5pm, use #MitchumOnTheMoveSA to follow and interact with your favourite influencers and you could WIN with Mitchum!
Want to know more? Join the conversation on social media with #MitchumOnTheMoveSA.
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